FAQYou’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!GeneralWhat is Istio?Why would I want to use Istio?How do I get started using Istio?What is the license?How was Istio started?What deployment environments are supported?How can I contribute?Where is the documentation?Istio doesn't work - what do I do?What is Istio's roadmap?What does the word 'Istio' mean?How can I join the Istio Slack workspace?SetupKubernetes - How can I debug problems with automatic sidecar injection?Kubernetes - Can I migrate an existing installation from Istio 0.1.x to 0.2.x?Consul - My application isn't working, where can I troubleshoot this?Consul - How do I unset the context changed by kubectl at the end?ApplicationsCan I run Apache NiFi inside an Istio mesh?Can I run Cassandra inside an Istio mesh?Can I run Elasticsearch inside an Istio mesh?Can I run Redis inside an Istio mesh?Can I run Zookeeper inside an Istio mesh?SecurityHow can I enable/disable mutual TLS after I installed Istio?Can I enable mutual TLS for some services while leaving it disabled for other services in the same cluster?How can I verify that traffic is using mutual TLS encryption?If mutual TLS is globally enabled, can non-Istio services access Istio services?How can services that use Istio access non-Istio services?How can I use Kubernetes liveness and readiness for pod health checks when mutual TLS is enabled?How to configure the lifetime for Istio certificates?MySQL Connectivity TroubleshootingDoes Istio support authorization?Does Istio authentication use Kubernetes secrets?Is the secret encrypted for workload key and cert?How to configure Istio Ingress to only accept TLS traffic?Can I install Istio sidecar for HTTPS services?Metrics and LogsCan Istio metrics be accessed through REST?What are the differences in telemetry reported by in-proxy telemetry (aka v2) and Mixer-based telemetry (aka v1)?How can I control the data being reported by the sidecar?Can the Prometheus adapter be used in non-Kubernetes environments?How to figure out what happened to a request in Istio?Can I use Prometheus to scrape application metrics with Istio?Distributed TracingHow does distributed tracing work with Istio?What is required for distributed tracing with Istio?How does Envoy-based tracing work?How does Mixer-based tracing work?What is the minimal Istio configuration required for distributed tracing?What generates the initial Zipkin (B3) HTTP headers?Why can't Istio propagate headers instead of the application?Why are my requests not being traced?How can I control the volume of traces?How do I disable tracing?Can Istio send tracing information to an external Zipkin-compatible backend?Does Istio support request tracing for vert.x event bus messages?What role does Mixer play in the Istio tracing story?Why do I see `istio-mixer` spans in some of my distributed traces?Traffic ManagementHow can I view the current route rules I have configured with Istio?On what ports does a sidecar proxy capture inbound traffic?What is the difference between MUTUAL and ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS modes?Can I use standard Ingress specification without any route rules?What protocols does Istio support?